Since Lglt’s inception, the organization has accomplished great things in the Valley, and has received many honors.

  • Aileen Hughes Award (1998) for preserving a 6th generation dairy farm.

  • Worked with Maryland State and Baltimore County groups for 23 years to fund conservation efforts.

  • Conserved over 4,000 acres of farms, acreage and green space in the Long Green Valley National Historic District.

  • Planted over 8,000 trees along banks of Long Green Creek and its tributaries, protecting over 2 miles of watershed that empties into the Chesapeake Bay.

  • Organized local residents, Boy Scouts and volunteers for tree-planting, bird nest-box construction and for bluebirds and American kestrels.

  • $6 million from State of Maryland and Baltimore County to conserve Valley farms. Over $17,000 in grants from American Forests, Eddie Bauer, Chesapeake Bay Trust and E.P.A. to plant stream boarders.

  • Multi-year grant from a private foundation ($20,000/year) to be matched by other funding.

  • Received interest free loan from Maryland Environmental Trust for preservation of local farm. Loan repaid in 3 years and property preserved.

Click map for enlarged view of preserved land
